Answered By: Douvonte Farmer (ILL & Reserves)
Last Updated: Oct 23, 2018     Views: 699

Yes, you may transfer previous reserves items to your new course! You can transfer items from any course with the Course Reserves module that you have taught or designed within the past two years to any course for which you are currently an instructor or designer. You can also transfer items from one current course to another (e.g., if you're teaching two different classes that are using the same materials). 


To transfer ("import") items:

1. Open the Course Reserves module in the new course (where you want to add the items).   

2. Click Add Reserve Items in the Course Reserves navigation menu.  

3. Using the table at the bottom of the page, select the course from which you would like to import items.  

Table displays all electronic and hardcopy reserves options that can added, along with the option to import items from a current or previously taught course

3. You should now see a list of materials associated with the prior course. Choose which items you'd like to import into the new course.

4. Click on Import Items.

5. Depending on the number of items selected, it may take several seconds for the items to import, and you'll see a spinning wheel in your browser as the system processes your request. Once the importing is complete, you'll see the following confirmation message: 


**Teaching Assistants: Unfortunately, this table will not display iterations of a course before you became a TA. Instructors will need to transfer the items themselves, or ask Reserves staff to transfer the items for them. 


For further questions or concerns, please contact 

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