After signing in, access your saved items and saved searches through the links on the top menu bar.
Export your saved items by using the "save/email" button. Select individual items in your list to export or use the "select all" button. If you have more than one folder of saved items, choose each folder from the dropdown menu to view and export the items in that folder.
On the "Save or Email Saved Items" page, you can: a) leave the email field blank to download your list to your computer, or b) email the list to yourself by entering your email address.
Use the "Select Format" dropdown menu to export your saved items in your preferred format.
If you choose to download to your computer, leave the email field blank and follow the directions on the "Save file on PC" screen to save your list as a file.
If you choose to email the list: enter your email address in the "Email" field and add an optional email subject line (e.g., "my saved items - unfiled folder") in the "Subject" field.
The email you send will look like this, but it may differ depending on the format you selected. (In this case, the "Citation" format was selected.)
To keep a record of your saved queries, print a copy or download a screenshot of your "Saved searches" list.
If you have questions, please email
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