Answered By: Brynne Norton (ILL & Reserves)
Last Updated: Jun 13, 2022     Views: 1547



If you need a textbook for a class, we do not recommend that you request this book through Interlibrary Loan. ILL staff cannot guarantee when books will arrive, and the loan period may not last for the entire semester.  Furthermore, many libraries do not purchase textbooks (or are unwilling to lend textbooks to other libraries); as a result, most ILL requests for textbooks must be canceled.   


If a book requested through ILL is identified as available for short term loan via Top Textbooks or Course Reserves, the user will be referred to that copy instead. Search for your textbooks here to see if they are included in the Top Textbooks on Reserve program, and check to see if your professor has put your assigned readings on reserve here 



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