Answered By: Brynne Norton (ILL & Reserves)
Last Updated: Dec 20, 2022     Views: 6978


As your request moves through our system, its status (which you can see in your ILL Services Account), changes accordingly. You will find explanations of many of the more common statuses below. 

Is the status you're looking for not listed below? Let us know


For Interlibrary Loan:

 Request Received

 Your request has been submitted and is awaiting processing

 Request in  Progress

 We are working on identifying potential suppliers for this request. 

 Request Requires  Special  Processing

 This request requires additional work on our part, which may increase the time needed to  fulfill it. 

 Request Requires  Response

 ILL staff are working to process your request, but require some information from you  before proceeding. Please check your email notifications and respond to

 Request Sent to  Other Libraries  

 ILL staff at UMD have processed your request, sending it to potential lending libraries. A  request may remain in this status for up to 12 weeks while the other libraries consider this  request.    

 In Transit to  Pickup Location

 Your item has been processed and strapped by ILL staff and is currently en route to your  selected pickup location.

 Available for  Pickup 

 Your item is ready for pick-up at your selected pickup location, where it will remain until its  due date. 

 Checked Out to  You 

 You have this item! 

 Renewal  Approved

 Your renewal request has been approved, and you will soon receive an email with your  new due date.

 Renewal Denied 

 Your renewal request has been denied. Please return this item by its original due date. If  the original due date has passed, please bring the item back as quickly as possible.


 The library who loaned us this material requires that this item stay within the library. All  "Library Use Only" items must be used at McKeldin Library. 

 Available for  Download 

 Your article is now available for download from your ILL Services Account. Articles are  only available for download for two weeks.  

 Available on  Course Reserves  This item is available through Course Reserves and therefore cannot be requested  through ILL.  

 Request Finished

 Your item has been returned to the lending library, or your period for downloading your  article has passed.     

 Request Canceled   This request has been canceled by ILL staff, and you should have received an email  detailing the reason why. You can also see recent notifications in your ILL Services  Account. If the request was canceled because your "Date Needed By" has passed, you  may resubmit the request with a new date.

 Patron Billed 

 This item has either been lost or damaged, you are being billed for its replacement.


For Document Delivery:

 Request  Received

 Your request has been submitted and is awaiting processing

 Request in  Progress

 We are in the process of locating, retrieving, and scanning your requested material.

 Available for  Download

 Your article should now be available for download from your ILL Services Account. Articles are only available for download for two weeks. 

 Request  Finished

 Your period for downloading your article has passed. 


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