Answered By: Ashley Chen (ILL & Reserves)
Last Updated: Dec 13, 2022     Views: 600

If you navigate to your ILL services account, you may be prompted to update your information (we do this every year). Then from the top of your screen, click the "Account History" link and it will present a list of requests you have made in the past (be careful not to use your ILL account as a long term tool for history as we delete requests from history after 3 years).

Account History button in ILL account

If you click the Transaction Number of a request, you can then see the information about that request and even "Clone" it into a new request using the "Clone Request" button at the top of the request page.

clone request button in ILL account

If your item's due date is coming up soon and you need it for longer, you can start this process while you still have the item checked out. That way, ILL staff can begin obtaining another copy for you by the time your current item is due (we recommend starting that process about two weeks before the due date). 

If you have any questions regarding a specific request, please feel free to email the Resource Sharing & Reserves department at

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