Answered By: Statistical Consulting
Last Updated: Aug 02, 2016     Views: 17

Suppose you would like to measure the probability that someone is admitted or not admitted on the basis of GRE score and GPA. In order to measure that probability you would conduct a logistic regression. A value of 1 will be given to students who are admitted and a value of 0 would be given to students who are not admitted. The dependent variable is binary and dichotomous. It will contain data of 0(not admitted) and 1(admitted). The independent variable will be GPA and GRE scores

This equation will go as follows: Logistic regression.

logit(p)= b0+ B1*GRE+ B2*GPA.

The probability that a student is admitted would be P(y=1) = 1/(1+exp(-logit (p))  

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